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Interview with Charlie Duke (Apollo-16)
Super Zoom to the Moon with my telescope
Total solar eclipse in Chile 2019
There was a total solar eclipse in Chile on July 2nd 2019. Sebastian Voltmer took pictures near the La Silla Observatory (ESO) in Chile.
“Flight to the moon” with a telescope from Earth
Unfortunately, most people are not allowed to fly to the moon. But as a “safe” alternative you can watch the moon from Earth in a telescope and even take photos and videos of it.
The following films were made with a “commercially available” telescope (from specialist dealers!).
During a moon observation with a telescope we look “through” the atmosphere of our earth. This is constantly in motion (e.g. due to cold and warm air masses). Sometimes even light cloud fields run through the picture – but nevertheless the moon in the “telescope” looks beautiful again and again. And we need our atmosphere too, otherwise we wouldn’t be able to breathe or live here anymore.
Here are some small impressions of the moon in the telescope. That night the air was quiet and sharp videos could be filmed:
… and now with higher magnification ….
… and even more details …
Astronomy for all – Planetariums, schoolwork, universities, galleries and museums.
We offer outreach programs worldwide.
From Nohfelden/Saarland/Germany via London to Washington D.C.
What is “spaceweather” ?
“Space weather” summarizes the interaction between solar radiation and the phenomena in the atmosphere of our Earth and other celestial bodies in our solar system.
Beautiful examples of this are:
- Northern lights on the Earth and planets of our solar system
- The development of the comet tails, which are also directly influenced by the so-called “solar wind”.
Our contributions to the space weather on “”
Skyscape means: to experience the sky as a whole in its natural beauty
The sky offers an interesting constellation almost daily, which everyone can admire for free from a dark place. Unfortunately, we have lost this experience due to our modern lifestyle.
Eclipse of the moon 2018 and star occulation from Namibia
On July 27th 2018 a total lunar eclipse took place, which could also be observed from Germany. Unfortunately, the moon did not rise in Germany until the eclipse had already begun. Moreover, it was only quite low above the horizon in our region.
This was different in Namibia.
Sebastian Voltmer had been in the African state of Namibia at that time and observed the lunar eclipse from there. From Africa one could see the lunar eclipse over the entire eclipse period:
And there was also a star occultation:
A deeper and “scientific” view :
Lunar Eclipse of 2019/01/21
In the early morning of Jan 21st, 2019 there was a total lunar eclipse. We did a lot of photos at Spicheren (France), Saarbrücken und Homburg (Saar). Copyright by Sebastian Voltmer and Christoph Pütz.
The next fully visible lunar eclipse in Germany will take place in January 2028 !!
International contacts and cooperation
A multi-layered program can only be created through permanent contact maintenance in an international context. It is not always only about pure work topics, but often also about the enthusiasm at the topics astronomy and space travel.
Here with Thomas Bopp, the co-discoverer of the great comet Hale-Bopp.

Australia, 2012

Siding Spring Observatory, Australien
Picture releases with the famous astrophotographer David Malin: